Package-free Shopping Revolution

Items We Carry Completely Package-Free
Where Do We Go From Here?
Best Sellers
If you can't find it plastic-free and earth friendly, try making it!

Our Mission
Why are we here?
Bring us your empty containers and we will fill them up with organic, sustainable local goodies and you will feel awesome.
ZERO market started as an idea stemmed from frustration at the lack of options that were offered package-free or lower impact. Living a zero waste lifestyle should be convenient in this disposable society that we are living in, so we have put together a store that holds over 1200 products to help you live your life with less waste. The idea was formed in 2013, we put ourselves out on the internet doing a crowdfunding campaign in 2014 and were able to build enough starting capital for a small beginning. 2015 brought us into the weekend community market scene at the Big Wonderful which led to a semi-permanent location in RiNo for 6 months with the Night Bazaar. From there we were approached to be a part of a very cool project in Aurora, CO that was still in the works at the time. The Stanley Marketplace was an old airplane hangar (HUGE!) that was being converted into a Colorado-based shopping and eating experience. It has now been open since the end of 2016 and we were officially open for business in our permanent home mid-March of 2017. Visit our media section to read more about the store and our journey.

Stanley Marketplace
Come in and get refills. Or contact us by email, phone, or connect on social media!