An idea box is a little box filled with wood coins that hold activities, ideas, chores, story starters and more...depending on the theme of your idea box.
Your child will love reaching into the box and pulling out a coin. Not only is it a surprise every single's also secretly educational!
Open-ended activities - give your child the perfect opportunity to lead themselves wherever they need to go developmentally. The activities that you will find in your idea box can be as long or as short as you want. They are completely flexible. You can start with one of the simple ideas in the box, and then expand on it if you choose. When you let your child lead, they will let you know exactly what needs to happen.communication - there is a lot of opportunity to talk, inquire, listen & learn...for both the parent & the child. If you find that dialogue is not a big part of the activities, do not worry...communication is not always verbal.
Giving choices - you are providing an opportunity to build their self-esteem and help grow their decision making skills. Choices also provide an opportunity for them to listen, ask questions, and follow simple directions. These are extremely valuable tools that they will keep with them and use throughout their life.